Royal Land Considered One of the Top suppliers of Egyptian Garlic . 



Egyptian garlic is smaller in size than common white garlic and has a globular, tear-drop bulb that connects into a stem, also known as a neck, that may appear green when fresh and brown when dried. The outside of the bulb is covered in thin, white papery coatings that are flaky, dry, and brittle. When peeled away, there is another layer known as the clove skin that ranges in color from white to tan and is tightly adhered to the clove. Egyptian garlic contains many cloves and can develop up to twenty-five cloves in one bulb. The cloves are clustered together, forming multiple layers of slender and slightly flattened shapes, and the outer cloves are typically larger in size than the inner cloves. When raw, Egyptian garlic has a crisp texture with a sharp, pungent, and spicy flavor, and if crushed, it will emit a strong aroma. This flavor and aroma will lessen with cooking and will develop a mild, savory flavor.



Egyptian garlic is available year-round, with a peak season in the late spring through fall in Egypt.


Current Facts

Egyptian garlic, botanically classified as Allium sativum, are small bulbs with numerous cloves found on a plant that can grow up to sixty centimeters in height and belongs to the Amaryllidaceous family. Also known as a silver skin variety, Egyptian garlic is one of the longest-storing varieties of garlic and is favored for its pungent flavor. In Egypt, garlic has recently increased in production, and with the variety’s long shelf-life, it has begun to be exported to countries worldwide, providing an essential source of income for Egyptian farmers.

Nutritional Value

Egyptian garlic is an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, selenium, and manganese, and also contains some fiber, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, and copper.